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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Good morning, my name is Aga. I was born in 2011. I am medium A polite, very nice female dog. On August 18, 2016, I was brought from intervention, where we lived with my siblings. Unfortunately, our lady died, it was very difficult for us. I was terrified. Never before was I in such a place. I was already in adoption, but I returned to the shelter. Despite the fact that people were wonderful,I am afraid od separation. This means that I neet the company of man at home or others animals very much. At the moment when someone goes out even on Literal 5 minutes from home, I get frustrated and destroy things. I need guardians who will be able to help me with this fear. I am very kissing and charming. With your sincere smile I can seduce everyone, even a gloomy man. And in the moments when I make a closer contact with someone, I even hook up to play. I would like to be able to live with you ... begging you to be in your heart ... because a happy dog ​​is the one who can be alongside his owner for the whole life.

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